The City of Cambridge Symphony Orchestra (CCSO) welcomes new players who would like to join a friendly and dedicated group of musicians. Regular rehearsals are treated as a time for relaxation and enjoyment, but also for concentrated work, in order to achieve the highest level of performance possible. Members are expected to attend all of the required rehearsals for a particular concert, usually five for string players and four for wind players. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from 7.30 – 10.00 p.m. at St Faith’s School, Trumpington Rd, Cambridge.
Auditions are not a general requirement, though the Musical Director may organise an individual audition if he feels it to be in the best interests of the orchestra. For string players, there is usually a trial period of one term. Wind players are invited to become members, usually after a successful trial as deputy or extra player.
Members are expected to pay an annual subscription to cover the cost of overheads, except in the case of young people in full-time education, or others in special circumstances.
If you would like to join the orchestra, please email